Help bring "Floydian Slip" to your local station

  1. 1Search our database of more than 2,100 radio stations for those near you that're prime candidates to carry "Floydian Slip"
  2. 2Use our online form to send the stations email encouraging them to add "Floydian Slip" to their program schedule
  3. 3Bask in the warm glow of total contentment knowing you've helped expand the reach of "Floydian Slip"

Get started now

1 Where are you?

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We've approached more than 2,100 stations to carry "Floydian Slip," and continue to expand our reach weekly. We rely on people like you to help ferret out the best prospects. Tell us which station(s) in your area we should contact:

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3 Hit send

Email these stations and ask them to add "Floydian Slip" to their program schedule. Lost for words? Let us suggest a message. (You can edit to your liking.)

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Can't find your local radio station in our database?

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And remember ... to always ... keep ... talking.