
Show #1,000 category

Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #17: T-shirt #2

Posted May 10, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

We started offering the first “Floydian Slip” T-shirt in late 1996 or early ’97, shortly after moving the show to Champ 101.3 in Burlington, Vt.

Not long after that, we reworked the shirt, going to a two-sided, two-color design, shown here, on a natural unbleached fabric.

Altogether, we probably sold a few hundred shirts at before demand seemed to taper off. At that point we stopped making them in batches of a hundred, and started printing them on-demand.

Now you can buy “Floydian Slip” shirts, as well as coasters, mugs and just about anything else you can slap a logo on, at our Cafe Press store.

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #16: Astoria memento

Posted April 30, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

Over the years producing “Floydian Slip,” I’ve occasionally made contact with people who hold two or three degrees of separation from the band.

Patrick Martin, bassist with Unicorn, was one such guy.

Unicorn is the country-rock band Floyd’s David Gilmour “discovered” and produced in the 1970s. (“There’s No Way Out of Here” on David’s 1978 solo album was originally a Unicorn song, written by the band’s Ken Baker.)

I don’t remember how I “met” Patrick, but I think his email address had been published in a story in Mojo magazine, and I dropped him a note to introduce myself.

We started corresponding and he helped me get some Unicorn CDs for the occasional Floydian Slip-Up on the show.

He also mailed along a 4″ x 6″ piece of paper he thought I might get a kick out of. It was a sheet of stationery from Astoria, David’s houseboat recording studio that Patrick had recently visited.

I’ve never tried calling the phone number listed at the bottom. And I’ve obscured it here, so you won’t be tempted either. 😉


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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #15: The show I did high

Posted April 26, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

We brought “Floydian Slip” to Champ 101.3 FM (WCPV) in Burlington, Vt., in October 1995. We’d end up running on Champ for nearly 14 years — the longest, by far, of any single station before we syndicated.

When we joined Champ, the station was only about a year old, with studios in a small office building just a couple minutes’ walk from my apartment on Shelburne Road, Burlington. I’d pack the CDs I needed for that week’s show into a small carrying case and take the quick walk over to the studio Wednesday nights.

Despite the end product of what I do being very public, the process of producing “Floydian Slip” was (and is) a very solitary activity. There was almost never anyone in the Champ building when I stopped by: The station was running on automation during the weekends. Occasionally I’d bump into another jock laying down some voicetracks into automation for playback later.

But, short of that, I’d often arrive at the station to the greeting of the security alarm, telling me no one was around.

The show I did high

A rare exception was an evening I dropped by accidentally high on muscle relaxants following a back injury. My doctor had warned me they might make me a little dopey, but I felt fine sitting home on my sofa. It wasn’t until I walked over to the station when I realized I was somewhat impaired.

And, as luck would have it, there was some sort of staff meeting taking place that night.

You have to remember very few Champ staffers had ever seen my face. I never stopped in during business hours. I was a faceless voice that some staff members didn’t even realize belonged to a local personality.

In their minds, I was the “Pink Floyd guy,” who, if pressed for details, they’d probably guess was a slightly whacked out stoner — the same sort of person they all turned to see walk through the door that evening.

Making matters worse, I felt compelled to try and explain my condition using lips and tongue that didn’t want to cooperate: the back injury, the muscle relaxants, I’m not usually like this, you probably think all Floyd fans are stoners, anyway, I didn’t drive here, I just walked a few blocks … I probably made my case worse by trying to explain it.

Sadly, the audio from that show is long gone. I wonder if I sounded in control of all of my faculties.

The photo

In this photo of the Shelburne Road studio, you can see the automation software keeping the station on the air on the right monitor. The display on the left was the machine I was using to record my show.

Champ moved from its Shelburne Road location within a few years, and took up residence in Colchester’s historic Fort Ethan Allen.

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #14: Website v.3

Posted April 21, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

The “Floydian Slip” website was one of the first Pink Floyd resources on the web. We went online in 1995 as a subpage of my personal home page “The Poor House,” and then moved to in Autumn ’96.

Over the years, we’ve re-built the site four times for a total of five fundamental designs.

This one here is probably the site’s most short-lived: It was only online from October 2000 to April 2001.

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #14: T-shirt #1

Posted April 18, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

In 1996 or ’97, shortly after we moved “Floydian Slip” to Champ 101.3 in Burlington, Vt., we made available the first official “Floydian Slip” T-shirt.

The shirts were the poster-child for do-it-yourself. If memory serves, we started with a hammer logo found somewhere online, and mocked up the type using MS Publisher and a freeware font that recalled those ubiquitous Dymo labellers from the ’70s. We might have even printed the component parts out on paper and pasted them up full-size.

A local screenprinter pumped out several dozen of them in canary red ink on white shirts, and we started selling them at — we registered the domain Sept. 11, 1996 — for $15.95.

Web commerce was still pretty new, and taking orders through our website with credit card payments was considerably above our heads. So we required people print the order form and snail mail it along with a check to our post office box.

A surprising number of people from all over the globe mailed in their orders, and we ended up selling a couple hundreds shirts before demand seemed to begin to peter out several years later.

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #13: Champ 101.3 montage

Posted April 14, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

By summer 1995, I no longer worked in radio full-time. WEXP 105.1 FM in Burlington, Vt., where I’d spent the previous year, had gone belly-up, and I’d become convinced there was a better career for me outside broadcasting.

But then there was “Floydian Slip.”

After starting the show as a college student in ’89, and then producing it at WEXP, I was convinced the show was viable and ought to be able to find a home on another station.

That summer I wrote a fairly formal proposal for the show, and mailed it to the two rock stations in the Burlington area: WIZN 106.7 FM “The Wizard” and WCPV 101.3 FM “Champ 103.1.”

Champ’s Rich Haskell immediately got in touch, expressing an interest in reviving the show. After waiting a few months for the station to find a sponsor, I started hosting “Floydian Slip” on Champ.

I was happy to have the show back up and running, but bringing it to Champ felt funny. The station was only a year old, and I’d spent the previous year at WEXP, another new station that launched just ahead of Champ, so regarded Champ as “those other new guys.” It felt a little like I’d flipped to work for the other side.

Our first Champ show — Show #8 — probably aired Wednesday, Oct. 18 or 25, 1995.

The show remained a weekly offering on Champ nearly 14 years, surviving a number of ownership changes and shuffling timeslots. (The artwork shown here was Champ’s second logo, used only in the last couple years of Champ’s time as a music station.)

Over the years we might have revised the opening montage that started each Champ show. But the audio posted here is the only montage we have archived, and it’s likely the opening that played most often during our time on Champ.

It’s pulled from Show #246, broadcast Sunday, Aug. 6, 2000.

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #12: Last WEXP talkset

Posted April 6, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

By May 1995, we were about to produce Show #7 for WEXP in Burlington, Vt. — the first commercial station to carry the show.

Leading up to the fledgeling station’s sign off June 15, 1995, staffers, including myself, had been informed some type of change was about to take place. At first we were told ownership was searching for investors to keep the station on the air. A little later, we learned the station would be bought outright by another broadcasting group.

Twenty years later, I’m uncertain how much I knew when. But from listening to this final “Floydian Slip” talkset from Show #7, it appears I didn’t realize this would be my last show for WEXP, since I make no mention of it.

The final WEXP “Floydian Slip,” Show #7, aired 11 p.m. to midnight on Monday May 29, 1995.

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #11: WEXP goodbye

Posted April 2, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

This one’s admittedly somewhat tangential to “Floydian Slip,” but noteworthy nonetheless.

By June 1995, WEXP 105.1 FM in Burlington, Vt., the first commercial station to carry “Floydian Slip,” was signing off. After only a year on the air, the start-up station had burned through its capital, and, unable to find an investor, was in the process of being bought by another local radio group.

I was working the evening shift, where we’d broadcast “Floydian Slip” about once a month, during the new moon, from 11 to midnight.

It looks like we did seven shows — or “phases,” as I occasionally called them — during our time at WEXP, though, oddly, Show #4 didn’t seem to get archived. The last “Floydian Slip” aired on the station May 29, 1995.

The audio below is my final talkset on the station, recorded just before midnight, Wednesday June 14, 1995.

If memory serves, I have station engineer Joe Tymecki to thank for the memories: I didn’t bother rolling tape on my final shift, but Joe was taping it on his home stereo that night.

The strangest thing about this piece of tape is hearing myself backsell something that’s not Pink Floyd. It’s been 20 years since I’ve done that.

The station signed off at noon the next day, June 15, 1995, and “Floydian Slip” went on hiatus for a little more than a year.

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #10: First WEXP show

Posted March 30, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

By summer 1994, I was on my second job out of college. In June of that year, I started as overnight announcer at a brand new Adult Album Alternative (Triple- A) station in Burlington, Vt. — WEXP “Experience 105.1.”

By December, I’d resurrected “Floydian Slip” as a once-a-month offering on the station, whenever there was a new moon.

Here’s a skim of that first WEXP show, which aired 11 p.m. EST Friday, Dec. 2, 1994.

While I started the show six years earlier at Ithaca College’s 106-VIC, this show is actually show “number one,” because this is when I started counting.

By the time I’d started doing “Floydian Slip” for WEXP, I’d moved from overnights to evenings, arriving at the station mid-afternoon, and working on-air from 7 to midnight.

I have fond memories of being in my mid-20s, living in downtown Burlington, and taking the short walk from my efficiency apartment over to the station, where every jock enjoyed creative freedom regarding what we played and what we said.

It was working in radio like I’d imagined it would be growing up listening to my FM Walkman: Something akin to Donald Fagen’s “The Nightfly.”

WEXP was something special. It had the vibe of underground FM radio from the ’70s … or so I was told. Unconventional, eclectic, very democratic and down-to-earth — one potential sponsor complained all us air people sounded stoned — I’m glad I had the experience, as short-lived as it was.

WEXP went dark within a year, and I was out of a job by Summer ’95. More on that later.

A couple of notes: Yes, I mispronounced “Astronomy Domine,” which I continued to do for years later. And we hadn’t yet registered the domain, but were using the show’s original email address:

AOL also gave WEXP a complimentary account, in exchange for on-air mentions. The account remained active for years after the station went off the air. Apparently no one from the station ever told AOL, and the company didn’t require proof of performance for its on-air plugs. No good deed …

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Floydian Slip’s Bizarre Collection of Antiques & Curios #9: A note from Ron Geesin

Posted March 25, 2015 by Floydian Slip

As we lead up to “Floydian Slip” Show #1,000 the week of June 8, we’re digging into the archives to share relics from the show’s past.

A few years ago we had the opportunity to interview Ron Geesin. The occasion was the 40th anniversary of the soundtrack he did with Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters: “Music from ‘The Body.'” (Ron also played a pivotal role in Floyd’s “Atom Heart Mother” [1970].)

As a follow-up, in March 2011, Ron mailed us some of his CDs. Included in the box was this cryptic note.

You can hear and read a transcript of our interview with Ron online

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