
Floydian Slip host appears as guest on podcast

Posted November 20, 2018 by Floydian Slip

Thanks to Justin Bunnell for bringing us on to his RetroMotion podcast to talk about “Floydian Slip.”

It was a real thrill for an over-the-air radio guy to be able to swear a little behind the mic.

You can listen via iTunes or at Justin’s RetroMotion Creative website.

5 comments on “Floydian Slip host appears as guest on podcast”

  1. Michael Hudson says:

    Great interview. I’m one of those weirdos who LOVES “Final Cut” and “Amused to Death”! 😉 Keep up the great work! No stations yet in Northern Virginia or Richmond yet, but I still enjoying listening from the web or DAR.FM!

  2. Michael Hudson says:

    unrelated… but seeing the buzz about the new Queen movie, “Bohemian Rhapsody”… why haven’t we seen a movie based around Pink Floyd yet?

  3. John King says:

    very cool listen Craig. Loved your additional take on your personal Floyd favorites. Have enjoyed your show for many years. Thank you for being such a dedicated Floyd fan and bringing this wonderful show to the masses each week 🙂

  4. @Michael: Thanks for listening and for your dedication to the show.

    We’re always working to expand the network. Hopefully we’ll get into your part of Virginia some day.

    RE: a Floyd biopic: Someone in film development from VH-1 contacted us ages ago to feel us out about just that sort of project. They were just poking around exploring possible topics. Nothing ever came of it, obviously. I’d imagine the contentious relationship of David and Roger could only make any authorized project more difficult to get off the ground. (And I said as much to VH-1.)

  5. @John: Thanks for listening over the years. Shine on!

Posted in Audio, Interviews | 5 comments