“Darkside,” a radio drama by noted playwright Tom Stoppard (center) inspired by Pink Floyd’s 1973 “The Dark Side of the Moon,” will premiere on BBC Radio 2 on Monday, Aug. 26 at 10 p.m.
The production, commissioned by the BBC, was recently previewed for an invite-only audience of dignitaries, including Floyd drummer Nick Mason, at a BBC “happening.” Attendees donned headphones and were treated to a simultaneous light show.
“I love it,” Mason told The Independent. “But I’m tempted to text Tom and tell him it’s really great — but there was a lot of actors talking over the music.”
Stoppard’s first major success was “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead” in 1966. He also wrote “Shakespeare in Love,” “Arcadia” and “The Real Thing.” His play “Rock ‘n Roll” drew inspiration from the life of Floyd co-founder Syd Barrett.