
Nick Mason: Reissue/rarities campaign just the beginning

Posted June 25, 2011 by Floydian Slip

Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason made some recent appearances in Billboard magazine and New York’s Q104.

In Billboard, Mason talks about the upcoming reissue/rarities project “Why Pink Floyd?,” telling writer Gary Graff the band has warmed to the idea of releasing incomplete and alternate takes.

“One now looks at these things and realizes there really is interest and how things came about and what the early versions were and so on. We thought rather than just leave everything in the vaults, it might be worth bringing everything out and giving people a complete view of what we’ve done,” he says.

Most exciting, Mason says the the already announced schedule of releases (“EMI announces massive Floyd reissue/rarity project“) probably won’t be the end of the vault-mining.

“We will do some more sort of in-depth versions of other albums, but I don’t know what we’ve got in the pipeline for that, yet.”

Read the Billboard article online.

Mason on Q104.3

Friday morning, Mason made an appearance on New York’s Q104.3. Listen to the interview here:

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